This group is starting on 29th of March 2023 – few spots still available before we take off on a musical journey! 


Sign up:


In March 2023 I am opening a new frame drum group for beginners. Students of any level are welcome – including those that haven’t taken up a musical instrument before. The only requirement time to practice on your own.  The spots are limited.

We’ll study modern techniques for frame drum, work with traditional grooves and their countless variations, become friends with odd time signatures, practice limb independence, learn to play together as a group, make first (and further) steps in improvisation, learn to compose our rhythms and phrases…

All accompanied with exercises and compositions to expand and develop rhythmic and playing skills. We will also pay attention to the body: posture, responsiveness, relaxation, breath – as it plays a substantial role in any musical activity.

In the meetings we will focus on the following areas:
— modern ‘lap-style’ (sitting) technique for frame drum; optionally: modern ‘upper-style’ technique for frame drum
— Rhythmic Ensemble – group playing
— traditional Mediterranean grooves & their variations
— improvisation
— composing own rhythms and phrases
— compositions in different time signatures
— limb independence exercises
— exercises to develop the sense of rhythm and pulse


  • Wednesdays 19:00-20:30 / Exerzierstr. 10, 13357 Berlin
  • first meeting: 29.03

COST: 25-35 euros per class (sliding scale; monthly commitment is required)

BOOKING: / to secure the spot transfer the full amount for the first month /

Other events & past courses

Retreat: Frame drums & yoga | 28.04-01.05.2023

Frame drum retreat for beginners in Wlewo (Poland)

Frame drum course in Berlin – part 1. Start: mid March 2025

10-weeks course to build solid basics in the lapstyle frame drum technique

Introduction to frame drums / 01.02 & 22.02.2025

Introduction to modern frame drums for all levels, including complete beginners. :)

Frame drum retreat in Poland! 11-13.10.2024

Drum retreat with morning yoga and sound bathing.